UrbanCare.app intro video here!

Welcome to the U-Care Platform

We are battling the climate change impacts on Urban Health across Europe!

Oceanic Climate

Continental Climate


Mediterranean Climate

I. Data Collection

Utilizing state-of-the-art technologies such as lidar, high-resolution cameras, and thermal sensors, U-Care meticulously gathers data along the urban street network of each city. This data collection focuses on enhancing walkability (Spatial Inequity), mitigating Urban Heat, managing Rain Runoff, preventing Biotope Loss, and catering to Pedestrian Users’ Needs. By concentrating on vital urban scenes—ranging from public transportation stops to resting spaces— the U-Care platform captures the essence of city living from multiple angles. 

II. Immersive 3D Models

The environmental data collected is transformed into detailed cloud point 3D models for each city, showcasing the urban environment through an interactive and visual framework. Integrated with BIM and ArcGIS, these models serve as a foundation for a deep understanding of urban challenges. On the U-Care platform’s homepage, users are presented with thumbnails of each model, inviting them to engage with and explore the intricate dynamics of urban spaces through a user-friendly interface.

  • Lidar point cloud
  • Immersive journeys
  • Top views
  • Street views

III. Urban Health Analytics

U-Care extends beyond traditional data visualization by offering advanced tools for urban health analytics. Each 3D model on the platform is enhanced with toolbars that provide unique functionalities for an immersive analytical experience:

  • Persona Simulation
  • Environmental Data Visualization
  • Urban Scene Identification
  • Health Impact Analysis

By integrating these analytical tools, the U-Care platform empowers urban planners, public health officials, and the community to identify, analyze, and address health-related urban issues effectively, promoting healthier and more sustainable urban environments.

Persona Simulation

Users can adopt avatars with various gait characteristics through the first toolbar, allowing for a personalized exploration of urban environments. This feature aids in understanding how different individuals experience city spaces.

Environmental Data Visuals

The second toolbar enables users to toggle the visualization of environmental data on and off at the street level. This functionality sheds light on specific environmental issues, enhancing the decision-making process for urban improvements.

Urban Scene Identification

With the third toolbar, icons representing the focused urban scenes are made available, facilitating a targeted analysis of critical spaces for urban health and mobility. This tool helps in pinpointing areas needing attention and intervention.

Health Impact Analysis

The fourth toolbar provides icons for analyzing the correlation between urban environmental features and health impacts. This analysis offers evidence-based insights into how urban design influences population health, supporting informed planning and policy development.

U-Care Sector Specific Benefits

The U-Care platform delivers distinct benefits across academia and the public and private sectors, fostering enhanced urban living through collaboration. Academia benefits from access to comprehensive urban data for research, enriching academic insights into urban health. The public sector can leverage these insights for evidence-based policymaking and urban planning, aiming for improved public health and environmental sustainability. The private sector attains a data-driven understanding of urban challenges, guiding innovation in services and technologies.
Together, these sectors can combine their strengths via U-Care, sharing knowledge and resources to address urban issues more effectively and efficiently, ultimately benefiting society by creating healthier, more sustainable urban environments.


  • Comprehensive Data Access
  • Innovative Research Tools
  • Practical Insights


  • Strategic Urban Planning
  • Evidence-Based Policymaking
  • Community Engagement


  • Collaborative Development
  • Industry Understanding
  • Informed Planning & Investment

U-Care Cooperation Partners